Your partner in Occupational Health
MIDOC offers your organisation access to a multi-disciplinary occupational health team who include occupational health doctors and consultants, nurses, ergonomists, and industrial hygienists.
Our services include:
Pre - employment / pre placement medicals
Periodic medicals
Exit medicals
Disease screening and management
HIRA  (Risk assessments)
Compliance for Occupational, Health & Safety Act
Compliance for ISO 18001
Compliance for Hazardous Chemicals Regulations
PDP & Drivers medicals
Corporate Travel Clinic - Yellow Fever, travel vaccinations & malaria prophylaxis
Other services offered include: Lung Functions, ECG's & Stress ECG's,Audiology, X-Rays, Vison screening, Alcohol and drug screening, All lab work, etc.
Pre-employmentThis includes taking a medical and occupational history and full medical examination comprising of an audio, lung function test, height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, ECG, Chest x-ray and drugs and alcohol screening. Pre-employment medicals are tailored to your organization’s policies, needs and exposures.

The pre-employment medical will provide a documented record of the state of the employee’s health on entering the company or project.  It will also identify any illnesses, both physical and psychological, that may affect the prospective employee’s ability to perform their job.  This will allow you to protect your employees from situations that may cause harm.  The record can also assist in countering any would be ill health claims subsequently made by the employee

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